Burhans Research Disclaimer and Privacy Statement

Burhans Research and the internet domain burhansresearch.com make no claim of the accuracy or reliability of the information contained on the internet site, or provided to users via any means.

"User" and "information requestor" means any individual or group member using the internet site of burhansresearch.com or contacting the company through any means, for information.

Users and information requestors are responsible for checking all information obtained from Burhans Research and burhansresearch.com for accuracy, validity and reliability.

Burhans Research is not responsible for any computer errors or malware that may affect users data devices as a result of using the internet site, or any other information exchange with Burhans Research. Users and information requestors are responsible for protecting their own device's security and proper operation.

Burhans Research offers no guarantee about anything pertaining to any information it provides.

Burhans Research is not responsible for the ads, or their content, on the web site, nor the reliability of the third party advertisers. Users must verify for themselves, any information or content contained in the ads on the site.


Burhans Research does not distribute or sell any personal or proprietary technical information of users or information requestors. However, there are third parties whose proprietary computer program codes are at times part of a web page and no claim at all is made regarding their privacy policy.

Burhans Research makes no attempt to encrypt, shield or protect user and information requester data sent via the internet, fax or other means. Data should be considered in the public domain and can be accessed by anyone at anytime.

From time to time, Burhans Research receives emails, photos and other information from users and information requestors. This information may sometimes be used as technical references for the purpose of training or explaining a concept. In these circumstances, no personal, proprietary or identifying information is included. Identifying or proprietary information is removed prior to using any received information as training or tutorial material. If the material has identifying information or proprietary information that can't be removed, the material simply is not used for training.

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